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    Post: maranda

    Posted by r hill on 5/07/04

    on april 28th my wife and I slit up! she had been very
    phisically and verbally ubusive to me that day and i
    packed a feew bags and left her home(owned by her before
    the marriage) and went to stay at my house(ownned by me
    before the merriage)for safety and because i was just
    tired of the physical anf verbal abuse...she had
    threatened to kill me and herself and it was time for
    a "time out"!I asked her to not bother me there and she
    agreed and at 9:56pm i got this email form her: "dont
    worry,i wont be coming there...ever
    you dont ever have to worry about me bothering you ,
    it just dawned on me,you moved there tonite on your own.
    whatever?(i have this email). ok approx 10-15 minutes
    later she was kicking on the door and creating a
    distubance...I could not call the law,because i did not
    have a phoone at this address,so I cracked the
    try to get her to cool it and she rammed the door and
    forced entry..while on her way in ,full force, she landed
    in a pile of woodworking tools and jumped up and claimed
    she was going to kill herself...ran out and said she was
    pressing charges on me for assault! about 30 minutes
    latter the police officer came by and said she pressed
    charges and i told him what happened(what i just told you)
    and he said that I would probably be severed within the
    next day or so as the jusdge signed the papers!(note ,I
    have never abused or been accused of abusing a women in my
    life).so,I called the police office on friday to see if
    there was a warrant...they told me to call back
    they were changeing judges and papers hadn't been signed
    yet!so I called back on monday and they daid yes...come
    turn myself in! i did and was booked,finger printed,tok
    picture,and locked up for an hour or so,even though i had
    already called a bondsman and paid the bond at the front
    dsk! then he let me out and had me sign a stack of papers
    that was to do with my personal property,etc,(but actually
    I don't have a clue waht I signed)something about medical
    history and initaled more papers! anyway,they set a court
    day for the following thursday and when I appeare I wasn't
    asked anything but how i wanted to plead(and of course I
    plead not guilty) but my wife was allowed to go on and on
    about the alleged abuse!after I pleaded not guilty,the
    judge then said I could not anything as I had already
    pleaded not guilty!SO,now I have anew court date and asked
    the judge to appoint me a lawyer as I could not afford one
    and he said no!he sked if I owned a house and I said yes
    and he said that I could not be appointed a lawyer,but
    advises that I should have one for court and then he went
    on to say...or don't have one! I was a pleasant as I could
    be and was not arrogant or anything,but feel like I don't
    have a chance in that court!It is my wifes hometown where
    everybody knows everybody!her folks have connections here
    and I really think,I've been judged already!when i turned
    myself in,i did not admit wrong (as i was not in the
    wrong) and wased booked,looked up,etc and was not read my
    rights!could i have signed my rights and not been read
    them? what should i do about all of this!my wife has a
    history of violence and has broken windows out of my house
    previously and i called the law,but didn't press charges
    and just asked the law to make here stay away..and she got
    in a scrape with the officer and they took here to jail
    for soime charge,but since she has connections,she was
    realesed a few hours later and didn;t even have to go to
    court! HELP!

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • maranda, 5/07/04, by r hill.

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