Re: National Arbitration Forum (HOW TO GET'EM OUT YOUR BACK)
Posted by Carlos.- on 11/26/07
Hi Marge.
Sorry for the delay I been out the country.
The rule 41g says
G. If a Request for an Involuntary Dismissal is the only Request for a dispositive
Order, that Request may be determined at the Document or Participatory Hearing.
Whatever that means, if I were you I'd just send them a letter saying that you don't
know about their rule 41g but you do know federal laws about this matter and if they
issue an award without your consent and after you especificaly refused arbitration you
will see them in court. They will be sue as soon as you get notice of the award.
That should do it.
Keep copy of everything an send all correspondece certified, you might need those
letters and receips in the unlike case that they decide to go ahead anyway.
>> I have recieved a similar response from the NAF but, they told me to refer to rule
> 41g of the code of procedures. Basically they are telling me that they are gonna
> arbitrate anyways and any and all corresspondence received by me will be forwarded
> the arbitrator for consideration. I have sent a refusal letter for arbitration and a
> dismissal letter and this is what I've got back. Does anyone know what I can do now?
> Is there another letter that I can send the NAF in response to this one they just
> sent me? And, if so, can you tell me where to get it or post it here? I know I have
> to do something but, not sure what. I cannot afford a lawyer so am trying to do it
> myself and any and all help would be greatly appreciated