Post: just the facts, sir

Posted by michael rice on 7/08/04
On June1, 2004 the local police came to my store guns drawn and protective gear on to execute a search warrant. It was during business hours so I guess there was no need to knock and announce. To make a long story short I sat their at their request(order) while they searched. I refused to answer questions until I spoke with my attorney. I was under the impression the questioning must stop at point. They seized several thousand dollars in cash and many more thousands in equipment. They also seized personal items for which they have no probable cause to seize. This included my passport, mail. etc. To date no charges have been filed. The affadavit for the search warrant is sealed so I have no way of challenging the search. Too top it off the "raid" made front page news twice. Many libelous items appeared. I have an attorney but we have not yet discussed constitutional issues. This a small town of 20.000 residets or so. Is there any thing I can do? I do want ny stuff back. What they suspect and what they can prove are altogether different. What about "due pocess" number 5 and 14 (in the law of the land and number 1 in my heart.)
Posts on this thread, including this one
- just the facts, sir, 7/08/04, by michael rice.