Re: Who is entitled to Due Process?
Posted by Hopeful2 on 8/12/04
Your assessment that it "Looks like to me you already have your mind
made up that nothing can be done, that you would rather just talk and
cry and complain about it than to do anything about it" is rather
insulting and presumptuous given you have no idea how many lawyers I
have contacted and talked to about this issue, and you have no idea
of how much money I have thrown away on lawyers who do nothing but
tell me I have no rights in this. "Quit being so negative!" ??? That
negativity you hear from me was given to me, well, no, I actually
purchased it, from real card carrying lawyers. Believe me, I could
not have been more shocked when I was repeatedly told this could be
done to me, and I had a minimal chance of any recourse. All they
talk about is the employee at will stuff. "Quit trying to be your
own lawyer." I am not attempting to be my own lawyer, I'm looking
for one who believes something can be done. I'd love to turn this
over to a lawyer and let him/her handle it. I posted at this site
because I have not been able to get a lawyer to deal with this. I am
stating what I have been told by lawyers, not what I think. So, yes,
I have a lot of questions, and one is the one I posted: Who is
entitled to due process? No one has answered that yet, and if that
is not what this case would be about, what is it about? You are the
first lawyer who seems to think I have a case....what is it? I whole
heartedly agree with "sue the batards" (sic), but I don't think I can
do it myself without a lawyer. Where in Ft. Lauderdale FL do you
think I can find a lawyer who agrees with you that there is a fight
to be fought and won here? How do I find him/her amongst the
thousands of lawyers in the yellow pages? I guess I'm just having
bad luck of the draw, please don't hold that against me. Remember, I
am unemployed and consultation fees can add up quickly. Maybe $ is
the problem; they know I don't have it. In the meantime, let's not
make mean spirited or insulting remarks about one another; I've been
beat up enough.
On 8/12/04, Hardy Parkerson, Atty. wrote:
> Dear Hopeful2,
> Looks like to me you already have your mind made up that nothing
> can be done, that you would rather just talk and cry and complain
> about it than to do anything about it. You have been advised twice
> to hit back. First by a lawyer and secondly by a soon-to-be
> lawyer. Quit trying to be your own lawyer. Get you a lawyer and
> let your lawyer handle it! Quit being so negative! Never-could
> never did anything! Tell us what state and city this happened in.
> For sure no lawyer wants to travel from Florida to California to
> handle this. Best of luck!
> Sincerely,
> Hardy Parkerson, Atty.
> "The World is my Law Office"
> On 8/12/04, Hopeful2 wrote:
>> On 8/12/04, v wrote:
>>> On 8/12/04, Hardy Parkerson, Atty. wrote:
>>>> Dear Hopeful2, Please, as much as you can, on line, provide
>> more informaiton. We would like to be of help, but need more
>> info. Remember this: For every injustice the law lends a
> remedy;
>> it is just up to a good lawyer to find that remedy and to pursue
>> it until justice is done. Good luck! You'll make it. Hit back!
>> You've been hit. HIt back! Christ said if someone slaps you on
>> the check to turn the other cheek. Here nobody slapped you on
> the
>> cheek. Sue the batard! Sincerely, Hardy Parkerson, Atty.
> Lake
>> Charles and New OrleansOn 8/12/04, Hopeful2 wrote: > I was
>> accused of "criminal" behavior by my employer, > however he
> chose
>> not to report it. There was no > investigation, and I was
>> basically accused, convicted, and > sentenced by him. I believe
>> I am innocent, and my sentence > is to never be able to work in
>> my profession again. In my > profession, one is only as good as
>> their last employment > reference, and I am being denied one. I
>> am now unemployed, > and unable to support myself, keep my home,
>> pay my bills, > etc. During this process I was threatened,
>> intimidated, > and asked to participate in the "cover-up" of
> this
>>> incident. I am not sure why this employer went off the > deep
>> end with his interpretation of my actions; however, I > am being
>> denied the security camera video tape that > supposedly supports
>> his claim; I believe it supports my > innocence. I was told it
>> will never be shown to anyone; I > replied that I want it shown,
>> especially to a qualified > professional who can make a
>> judgement. How can he get away > with this? How can he destoy
>> my life? Am I entitled > to "due process"?
>>> Hopeful2: any body can do any thing at any time. that dosen't
>> mean these people who do it are right. but ... if you are
>> innocent, they will get away with it. & there is the problem.
>> dont let him. if your life & livlyhood depends on it. fight
> back.
>> like your fighting for your life.
>> Any ideas on how one would start to fight this? From what I
>> understand this employer is well within his rights to fire
> anyone
>> for any reason, and it is also his option and right to only
>> verify dates of employment. He also has the right to say he
>> would not re-hire me. As long as he takes these steps and keeps
>> his mouth shut regarding any details he can avoid being accused
>> of defaming my character or slander, but at the same time
>> accomplish his goal to insure I never work in my profession
>> again, and destroy my life, and he can get away with it. I
> don't
>> think there is a lawyer around who wants to touch this, and
>> certainly not without thousands of $$$$ upfront.