Re: Driver Surcharge-Texas Transportation Code Ch.708
Posted by Unfair is unfair on 10/13/05
An unfair law is always an unfair law, regardless of who it effects.
This is not a law that encourages safe driving or encourages people to
get insurance. This is a law that takes advantage of those that can be
labeled quote "criminals", and therefore can become a political
sacrifice for some politicians’ personal ambition. Tacking on a $750
fine that no one knows about is not an effective way to stop uninsured
If politicians are serious about uninsured motorists then why doesn't
the state take steps to make vehicle insurance cheaper? Do you have
any idea how much it costs to insure (liability only) a person under
25 with bad credit?
Your argument says, "We can take advantage of those people because
they are bad people. It's ok to be unfair as long as you’re unfair to
bad people."
That is utterly ridiculous. An unfair law is always an unfair law.
This is nothing more then an unjustifiable tax put in place by the
urging of insurance special interest groups. In turn they are now
justified to raise the price of automobile insurance because local
governments make sure that the people have no choice but to pay what
they are told to pay. I'm a firm believer in that everyone that drives
a car has insurance. But if we make that the law then we MUST make
insurance affordable for EVERYONE. I'm starting a grassroots movement
right now to get this ridiculous law overturned, or for another law to
be put in place to regulate insurance prices. If anyone else is
interested in helping please E-mail me at
Perhaps together we can make a difference.
On 8/17/05, M'sta Mikey wrote:
> On 8/17/05, Ozarks Lawyer wrote:
>> Yet another case of someone getting cheddar instead of brie in
>> the free-cheese line. Bring back the Post-It Notes, I say.
> To Mike:
> If you keep yourself out of trouble, don't drink and drive, don't
> drive on a suspended license, etc., you have nothing to worry about!
> Should that be the case, the law wouldn't pertain to you and is
> therefore a non-issue.