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    Re: Arrested for "Running Over Abusive Ex", DA is Stalling

    Posted by MAM on 4/14/05

    Welcome to Texas (in)justice!

    I can't say for sure what's going on with the lawyers.

    However, the phone recordings may or may not be admissible.
    It is legal to record telephone calls in the State of Texas.
    Only one party's permission is needed. Double-check the
    statutes on that issue. Also be sure to check out Federal
    (FCC) regulations on phone recording. The federal law makes
    it unlawful to record telephone conversations except in one
    party consent cases which permit one party consent recording
    by state law. Texas is a "one-party" state. What that means
    is a person can record their own telephone conversations
    without the knowledge or consent of the other party in those
    states that allow one party consent, such as Texas.

    Now, there are specific rules covering recording by
    attorneys. In general, your attorney may not do the
    recording, nor can s/he ACTIVELY encourage you to record
    calls. S/he CAN tell you what's legal and what's not.

    Meanwhile, here is a website that describes the laws in
    Texas: Click on State-by-State
    guise, then on Texas. For notes on "consent", go to the
    same site, and click on "Consent and its Limits". Be sure
    to discuss this info with your lawyer. Different rules
    apply in the case of interstate calls, so if your ex has
    since moved out of state, you may need to follow different

    Here's another website with more links to Federal laws on

    Hope that helps.


    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Arrested for "Running Over Abusive Ex", DA is Stalling, 12/11/04, by colima.
  • Re: Arrested for "Running Over Abusive Ex", DA is Stalling, 4/14/05, by MAM.

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