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    Re: juvinile denied due processs

    Posted by tv on 3/11/05

    On 3/11/05, tv wrote:
    > On 3/11/05, Curmudgeon wrote:
    >> Why is the juvenile probation department involved?
    > they recieve notice of any vhild on referral because they run
    > the out of school suspension program. when a child gets a
    > referral the are put on informal probation. what i dont get
    > with this general order, the pricipal now has the power to
    > basically sentence kids to jail, seeing how its automatic on
    > 3rd referral, and kids go to jail before ever seeing a judge
    > or even having any kind of warrant or pick up order issued. he
    > would have gotten same treatment if he was caught cheating,
    > horseplay, unexcused absent ect. thanks tv
    also the 2nd referall was due to a argument and foul language.
    if he is being punished for the 3 by the court system then they
    are violating his freedom of expression. i understand that the
    school cant let them act that way but when the local govt gets
    involved and punishes him for it isnt that aginst the 1st
    ammendment even if the courtorder is legal it cant be legal to
    jail a student in a detention center based on a referrall for
    expressing himself. because it takes 3 referrals of any
    offence. and his 2nd waqs due to him expressing himself at
    school. i will get copys of referrals monday. thanks

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • juvinile denied due processs, 3/11/05, by tv.
  • Re: juvinile denied due processs, 3/11/05, by Curmudgeon.
  • Re: juvinile denied due processs, 3/11/05, by tv.
  • Re: juvinile denied due processs, 3/11/05, by tv.
  • Re: juvinile denied due processs, 3/12/05, by 00.
  • Re: juvinile denied due processs, 3/12/05, by tv.
  • Re: juvinile denied due processs, 3/12/05, by Curmudgeon.
  • Re: juvinile denied due processs, 3/12/05, by tv.

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