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    Posted by v on 3/14/05

    TV: Your son got busted for not
    folowing the rules. I'm not an
    attorney, but in this situation
    there is no due process. He knew
    the rules, he broke them three
    times. He is paying the price. He
    is your responsabilty. There are
    laws against truency. If your son
    can't learn how to behave now.
    Who's fault is it? you blame the
    courts? The court is going to
    blame you! & he'll learn the hard
    way now before he has to in prison
    latter. Sociaty dosen't have to
    tolerate bad behavior. AND THE
    niether of you get it. Sounds like
    you are condonning this. Maybe you
    are part of the problem.

    On 3/14/05, tv wrote:
    > On 3/14/05, Curmudgeon wrote:
    >> Sir v, you're closer than you
    >> The posts piqued my interest,
    so I did a little digging. In
    >> the OP's home county, there is
    a cooperative program
    >> established by the schools,
    juvenile authorities, and the
    >> courts.
    >> It kicks in when a child has
    received a third out-of-school
    >> suspension and is, thus, facing
    expulsion. Rather than
    >> letting the little buggers run
    the streets unsupervised while
    >> suspended, they are required to
    report to the program and
    >> spend the days studying, doing
    community service, and taking
    >> appropriate classes on anger
    management, life skills, etc.
    >> If they fail to report on the
    first day of the suspension,
    >> they will be picked up and held
    until they can go before the
    >> judge and explain why they
    didn't report. It is the parents'
    >> responsibility to get the child
    to the program.
    >> Amazingly, many of the involved
    parents complain because its
    >> such a "hardship" to deliver
    the child to the program and pick
    >> him up at the end of the day.
    >> On 3/14/05, v wrote:
    >>> TV: Are you related to
    Roosta? I
    >>> wouldn't worrie about the
    >>> buggers. It'll keep them off
    >>> streets. Their probly headed
    >>> prison any way.
    >>> On 3/14/05, TV wrote:
    >>>> hello reader. in the city
    >>> wabash in wabash county ind
    >>>> ther is an order from local
    >>> court that apon 3rd referral
    >>>> to out of school suspension
    >>> principal. that the child
    >>>> is to be picked up
    >>> and put in detention center
    >>>> until next court date. some
    >>> the offenses that can get a
    >>>> refferall are tardys
    >>> foul language ect. mostly
    >>>> descretion of principal.
    >>> to me this gives principal
    >>>> the power to sentence
    >>> to jail time without their
    >>>> due process. they also make
    >>> write out a statement of
    >>>> guilt to be used against them
    >>> court but they are
    >>>> teenagers and dont understand
    >>> what their doing as far as
    >>>> legality, they are told to
    >>> write the statement and
    >>>> they may or may not get
    >>> suspended. they are not told
    >>>> it will be used against them
    >>> court. it seems to me that
    >>>> the principal given this
    >>> should be considered as an
    >>>> officer of the court and have
    >>> go by their rules as far
    >>>> as interegating a student for
    >>> info to be solely used
    >>>> against them in court. and my
    >>> question is can a local
    >>>> judge issue such a blank
    >>> legally wouldnt it have to
    >>>> be some type of city or
    >>> ordinance. thnx tv
    > ok gonna try this 1 more time
    the juvenile was taken to det
    > center on friday he was to
    report to day reporting on monday
    > thats today. we went to court
    today he spent the weekend in det
    > center. this morning in court he
    was ordered to report to day
    > reporting. i told the judge we
    wanted a lawyer, he said we could
    > hire a lawyer and contest it but
    as far as he was concernd my
    > son was to report to day
    reporting. we werent given any
    > oppertunity to put up a defense
    of any kind. and my son spent 3
    > days in det without being
    charged for any crime. so as you
    > see he wasnt sent to det center
    for not showing up. he was sent
    > because of the 3rd referral. get
    it now and he was also
    > sentenced to day reporting.
    so you tell me where was the due
    > process we had 1 court
    appearance and it was a
    > sentecing. thnx tv

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Re: PRINCIPLE SENDING KIDS TO JAIL, 3/14/05, by v.
  • Re: PRINCIPLE SENDING KIDS TO JAIL, 3/14/05, by Curmudgeon.
  • Re: PRINCIPLE SENDING KIDS TO JAIL"V", 3/14/05, by roosta.
  • Re: PRINCIPLE SENDING KIDS TO JAIL, 3/14/05, by v.
  • Re: CURMUDGEN V RESPOND , 3/14/05, by tv.
  • Re: life skills - Mudge , 3/14/05, by Ozarks Lawyer.
  • Re: CURMUDGEN V RESPOND , 3/14/05, by v.
  • Re: life skills - TV , 3/14/05, by roosta.
  • Re: CURMUDGEN V RESPOND , 3/17/05, by tv.
  • Re: life skills - TV , 3/17/05, by tv.
  • Re: CURMUDGEN V RESPOND , 3/17/05, by v.
  • Re: CURMUDGEN V RESPOND , 3/17/05, by tv.
  • Re: CURMUDGEN V RESPOND , 3/17/05, by tv.
  • Re: CURMUDGEN V RESPOND , 3/17/05, by v.

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