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    Posted by tv on 3/17/05

    On 3/17/05, v wrote:
    > TV i'm ot an attorney. But i
    > think your missing the point. Your
    > son is not an adult. He is not
    > garenteed the same rights under
    > the constitution in this
    > circumstance. He hasn't reached
    > the age of majority. He is still
    > your responsability. Compareing
    > this to shooting the sheriff, is
    > like apples & oranges. Then he
    > might be tried as an adult.
    > On 3/17/05, tv wrote:
    >> On 3/14/05, v wrote:
    >>> TV: Your son got busted for
    > not
    >>> folowing the rules. I'm not an
    >>> attorney, but in this situation
    >>> there is no due process. He
    > knew
    >>> the rules, he broke them three
    >>> times. He is paying the price.
    > He
    >>> is your responsabilty. There
    > are
    >>> laws against truency. If your
    > son
    >>> can't learn how to behave now.
    >>> Who's fault is it? you blame
    > the
    >>> courts? The court is going to
    >>> blame you! & he'll learn the
    > hard
    >>> way now before he has to in
    > prison
    >>> latter. Sociaty dosen't have to
    >>> tolerate bad behavior. AND THE
    > Apparently
    >>> niether of you get it. Sounds
    > like
    >>> you are condonning this. Maybe
    > you
    >>> are part of the problem.
    >>> you are partially right v, he
    > broke the rules and i have no
    >> problem with him being punihed
    > for it. but you are wrong about
    > due
    >> process, he cannot be imprisoned
    > for breaking the rules. rules and
    >> laws are 2 different things and
    > according to our constitution
    >> everyone born in the us has the
    > right to face their accusers in
    >> court. i had no problem with the
    > 3 days of oss he was going to get,
    >> and i told this to principal.
    > but if they want to confine him he
    >> must be charged with something,
    > and if he is charged he must be
    >> given his day in court even if
    > it is inevetible he will lose.
    > doesnt
    >> matter what they think or know
    > he has done you cannont be
    > confined
    >> just because they think it will
    > teach you a lesson. theres a
    > process
    >> and they skipped it. we had a
    > initial hearing asked for a lawyer
    > and
    >> we were denied, i guess he was
    > charged for delinquecie but im not
    >> sure. either way we were denied
    > any defence and arequest for a
    >> lawyer. if he was put in det for
    > del, then they put the cart before
    >> the horse. he should have been
    > charged asked to plead guilty or
    > not
    >> guilty that didnt happen. if
    > you walk in to local sheriffs
    > office
    >> shoot the sheriff in front of
    > everyone, you still get the
    >> oppertunity to plead your case.
    > that is what i have a problem
    > with.
    >> not the punishment. if they had
    > done it the right way i wouldnt be
    >> on this chatboard, my son has
    > the right to plead his case even
    > if
    >> hes guilty.
    >>> On 3/14/05, tv wrote:
    >>>> On 3/14/05, Curmudgeon wrote:
    >>>>> Sir v, you're closer than you
    >>> thought.
    >>>>> The posts piqued my interest,
    >>> so I did a little digging. In
    >>>>> the OP's home county, there
    > is
    >>> a cooperative program
    >>>>> established by the schools,
    >>> juvenile authorities, and the
    >>>>> courts.
    >>>>> It kicks in when a child has
    >>> received a third out-of-school
    >>>>> suspension and is, thus,
    > facing
    >>> expulsion. Rather than
    >>>>> letting the little buggers
    > run
    >>> the streets unsupervised while
    >>>>> suspended, they are required
    > to
    >>> report to the program and
    >>>>> spend the days studying,
    > doing
    >>> community service, and taking
    >>>>> appropriate classes on anger
    >>> management, life skills, etc.
    >>>>> If they fail to report on the
    >>> first day of the suspension,
    >>>>> they will be picked up and
    > held
    >>> until they can go before the
    >>>>> judge and explain why they
    >>> didn't report. It is the
    > parents'
    >>>>> responsibility to get the
    > child
    >>> to the program.
    >>>>> Amazingly, many of the
    > involved
    >>> parents complain because its
    >>>>> such a "hardship" to deliver
    >>> the child to the program and
    > pick
    >>>>> him up at the end of the day.
    >>>>> On 3/14/05, v wrote:
    >>>>>> TV: Are you related to
    >>> Roosta? I
    >>>>>> wouldn't worrie about the
    >>> little
    >>>>>> buggers. It'll keep them off
    >>> the
    >>>>>> streets. Their probly headed
    >>> for
    >>>>>> prison any way.
    >>>>>> On 3/14/05, TV wrote:
    >>>>>>> hello reader. in the city
    >>> of
    >>>>>> wabash in wabash county ind
    >>>>>>> ther is an order from local
    >>>>>> court that apon 3rd referral
    >>>>>>> to out of school suspension
    >>> from
    >>>>>> principal. that the child
    >>>>>>> is to be picked up
    >>> immmediatly
    >>>>>> and put in detention center
    >>>>>>> until next court date. some
    >>> of
    >>>>>> the offenses that can get a
    >>>>>>> refferall are tardys
    >>> horseplay
    >>>>>> foul language ect. mostly
    >>>>>>> descretion of principal.
    >>> seems
    >>>>>> to me this gives principal
    >>>>>>> the power to sentence
    >>> children
    >>>>>> to jail time without their
    >>>>>>> due process. they also make
    >>> them
    >>>>>> write out a statement of
    >>>>>>> guilt to be used against
    > them
    >>> in
    >>>>>> court but they are
    >>>>>>> teenagers and dont
    > understand
    >>>>>> what their doing as far as
    >>>>>>> legality, they are told to
    >>> just
    >>>>>> write the statement and
    >>>>>>> they may or may not get
    >>>>>> suspended. they are not told
    >>> that
    >>>>>>> it will be used against
    > them
    >>> in
    >>>>>> court. it seems to me that
    >>>>>>> the principal given this
    >>> power
    >>>>>> should be considered as an
    >>>>>>> officer of the court and
    > have
    >>> to
    >>>>>> go by their rules as far
    >>>>>>> as interegating a student
    > for
    >>>>>> info to be solely used
    >>>>>>> against them in court. and
    > my
    >>>>>> question is can a local
    >>>>>>> judge issue such a blank
    >>> order
    >>>>>> legally wouldnt it have to
    >>>>>>> be some type of city or
    >>> county
    >>>>>> ordinance. thnx tv
    >>>> ok gonna try this 1 more time
    >>> the juvenile was taken to det
    >>>> center on friday he was to
    >>> report to day reporting on
    > monday
    >>>> thats today. we went to court
    >>> today he spent the weekend in
    > det
    >>>> center. this morning in court
    > he
    >>> was ordered to report to day
    >>>> reporting. i told the judge we
    >>> wanted a lawyer, he said we
    > could
    >>>> hire a lawyer and contest it
    > but
    >>> as far as he was concernd my
    >>>> son was to report to day
    >>> reporting. we werent given any
    >>>> oppertunity to put up a
    > defense
    >>> of any kind. and my son spent 3
    >>>> days in det without being
    >>> charged for any crime. so as
    > you
    >>> can
    >>>> see he wasnt sent to det
    > center
    >>> for not showing up. he was sent
    >>>> because of the 3rd referral.
    > get
    >>> it now and he was also
    >>>> sentenced to day reporting.
    >>> so you tell me where was the
    > due
    >>>> process we had 1 court
    >>> appearance and it was a
    >>>> sentecing. thnx tv

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Re: PRINCIPLE SENDING KIDS TO JAIL, 3/14/05, by v.
  • Re: PRINCIPLE SENDING KIDS TO JAIL, 3/14/05, by Curmudgeon.
  • Re: PRINCIPLE SENDING KIDS TO JAIL"V", 3/14/05, by roosta.
  • Re: PRINCIPLE SENDING KIDS TO JAIL, 3/14/05, by v.
  • Re: CURMUDGEN V RESPOND , 3/14/05, by tv.
  • Re: life skills - Mudge , 3/14/05, by Ozarks Lawyer.
  • Re: CURMUDGEN V RESPOND , 3/14/05, by v.
  • Re: life skills - TV , 3/14/05, by roosta.
  • Re: CURMUDGEN V RESPOND , 3/17/05, by tv.
  • Re: life skills - TV , 3/17/05, by tv.
  • Re: CURMUDGEN V RESPOND , 3/17/05, by v.
  • Re: CURMUDGEN V RESPOND , 3/17/05, by tv.
  • Re: CURMUDGEN V RESPOND , 3/17/05, by tv.
  • Re: CURMUDGEN V RESPOND , 3/17/05, by v.

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