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    Post: Due Process for Disabled Child?

    Posted by JEAN BOWDEN on 6/19/05

    I wonder if someone could tell me if this fits into the
    Due Process Discussion. I had an incident with my child in
    a public school and reported it to the Police . A teacher
    was using aversives on the autistic children for the
    purpose of behavior modification. My child was age 10 and
    was restrained in a brutal way for non compliance (we have
    a video so it is not disputed) with very aggressive pain
    compliance holds and takedowns
    THe police came back and said "it was some kind of method
    used on those kinds of kids"
    SO I found out that they brought the video showing this
    incident which showed her being tossed to the ground over
    14 times for not sittng in a chair and not getting off the
    flooretc it to a child abuse center run by the county. The
    nurse called called a special school in our area (private
    not part of the public school where the incident occured )
    to ask advice of a social worker at this place. The social
    worker and the director who were personal friends of the
    teacher doing this to my child. AND had both actually
    consulted to the public school classroom where this took
    place did not disclose that they knew this teacher etc.
    The person who we accused had worked at that school and
    had learned those dangerous methods from them. THEY did
    not tell the nurse of the conflict of interest due to
    their close connection to the teacher and the school it
    took place in. They did not disclose to the nurse that
    they knew my child and me from a consultation they did on
    her in that school and had been paid for as a
    subcontractor outside consultant.
    THEY DID NOT RECUSE THEMSELVES from the investigation of
    this incident . THEY TOLD THE NURSE that it was extremely
    theraputic to have this teacher grab my child and twist
    her arm to get her on the floor as my child could say
    READY UP to get out of the restraint. THey told the stupid
    nurse that this was a form of behavior modification and so
    on and so on.(I HAVE all the letters and documents from
    the police report) SO THE NURSE did not know this and
    relyed this back to the police who dropped the case
    I have recently reported this to the state under the
    division of licensure and it is being investigated.
    HOWEVER I think that my poor child was not given due
    process under the law since the investigation was rail
    roaded by these two social friends and business associates
    of the teacher. I am considering getting a lawyer to
    attend this hearing at the board of Licensure that are
    coming up. I went to one myself so far and want to also
    report to the AG OFFICE.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Due Process for Disabled Child?, 6/19/05, by JEAN BOWDEN.

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