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    Post: due process violation

    Posted by peggy on 9/27/05

    My sister was giving a citation to go to court for her dog
    being at large. She then went to court and the Judge said
    the city was dropping charges at this time due to lack of
    evidence but that they could come back and bring her back
    to court after they over looked the evidence. My sister
    told the judge to please let her know because she was
    planning on moving and didn't want a warrant for her
    arrest after she moved so she made sure she gave the judge
    updated information on were she lived and the judge
    promised her that he would contact her if they decided to
    take her back to court. And now I recieved a phone call at
    my work telling me that my sister had a bench warrant for
    her arrest and that she was gonna need 500 dollars or she
    was going to jail so I immediately called my sister at
    work to let her know. We were in shock that she wasn't
    even served paper telling her that she was being charged.
    When she went to the jail they let her gone on O.R but I
    believe she should of been served papers to go to court
    then if she didn't appear in court then a warrant would be
    issued also I have never seen a warrant signed by a
    officer and not by a Judge or D.A and whats so sad its the
    same officer that likes to harrassa our family over and
    over again

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • due process violation, 9/27/05, by peggy.

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