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    Post: Court Appointed Attourney requesting $20K??

    Posted by Sam on 9/28/05

    I am helping a friend, whose relative was charged with
    drug trafficking by the state of Texas (federal charges
    have been dropped due to lack of evidence). He cannot
    afford a lawyer and was appointed one. The Court
    Appointed Lawyer immediately told him that he will have a
    better chance to win the case if he pays him 20 grand.

    1) Are there certain services that a court appointed
    lawyer may not provide, without an additional fee?
    2) Is an appointed lawyer allowed to request funds from a
    needy client?
    3) Can this be somehow used to benefit the case -- i.e.
    get the case thrown out? If not, can a lawyer be changed
    given this circumstance? Can the courts be sued?

    I need a person to answer this, who is both creative and
    knowledgeable about law!

    Thank you.


    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Court Appointed Attourney requesting $20K??, 9/28/05, by Sam.
  • Re: Court Appointed Attourney requesting $20K??, 9/28/05, by 00.

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