Re: another miranda law question
Posted by Marc on 2/09/06
Yes! All arrests! On 2/09/06, violet wrote: > my boyfriend got arrested for a dui two days ago. he said > that when they hand cuffed him the police did not read him > his rights. they lied and said if he gave them a urine > sample they would not tow his car. but they still did. we > were wondering if when you get arrested for a dui do they > have to mention those rights or not? and is it mandatory > for them to tell you those rights or just in certain > situations?? thank you!
Posts on this thread, including this one
- another miranda law question, 2/09/06, by violet.
- Re: another miranda law question, 2/09/06, by Marc.
- Re: another miranda law question, 2/09/06, by Bob R/CA.
- Re: another miranda law question, 2/21/06, by Tony L. Lupis.