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    Re: The officer who arrested me lied. Does it matter?

    Posted by A real Law Student on 10/31/06

    You have one other problem, you can't read.

    This is a forum for law students. We are not attorneys, we
    cannot give you any more legal advice than this:

    Hire an attorney

    On 10/28/06, Valerie Baraza wrote:
    > My friend and I were on our way home from Bunko last night
    > and she passed me and wrecked in the ditch ahead of me.
    > When I got to her she seemed ok so I told her we should go
    > get her husband to pull her out of the ditch. The people
    > who live in behind the ditch called the police, so we were
    > pulled over as I was taking her home. The officer asked me
    > if I was involved in the accident and I said no. Then he
    > looked across me to her and said how about you do you know
    > anything about it? She did not talk so they took her out
    > to another car and then the office took me to the back of
    > my truck and told me he didn't want to play my games and
    > gave me some follow the finger test and then stand on one
    > foot test. He yelled at me for not following his
    > directions on the test so I did it a second time and
    > managed to stand on one foot in halloween costume shoes
    > and then he gave me a breathalizer.He then arrested me but
    > on my charges he charged me for DUI and resisting arrest.
    > I at no time resisted. He said I put my fists up to him
    > but I did not. How can I prove this? Do they have cameras
    > in their patrol cars to record who they pull over? Can I
    > request a copy. This would prove I did not resist
    > anything. He said You are under arrest and told me to turn
    > around. I did just what he asked. Later in jail I asked
    > why he was so mad at me and I asked what I had done. He
    > just got pissed and told me he didn't like to play little
    > word games and insisted that I lied to him. The jerk put
    > me in shackels in the jail cell. My friend wasn't cuffed
    > until the later transported. Why was I treated so
    > differently?HELP!

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • The officer who arrested me lied. Does it matter?, 10/28/06, by Valerie Baraza.
  • Re: The officer who arrested me lied. Does it matter?, 10/31/06, by A real Law Student.

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