Post: Probation Violation
Posted by Sharese on 11/09/06
My 25 year old husband was put on felony probation for credit card fraud aprrox 2 years ago. This past weekend he was driving behind his two younger nephews (who were racing each other), the younger boys past a double yellow line to pass a car in a no passing lane and wound up wrecking their cars. My hasband was at least 1/4 mile behind them at the time of the crash, although also past the dbl yellow to pass the car.... so he could get to them before they crashed. The car they past identified my husband as also racing and he was given citations as was the two younger men (Racing, Driving on the wrong side of the Road, Disorderly conduct and Failure to maintain lanes) although my husband was arrested. We were able to pay the fee to bond him out that night. When he contacted his probation officier on Monday. The officier refused to tell him if he would be violated, although confirmed there next meeting. The are to meet on Wednesday Nov 15 at 9:30am. I need some advise because we are both Very Very scared about this. Within the past 6 months we both started new jobs, purchased our first home, we have a 4 year old and I am 7 months pregnant and generally have created a new life for our family. I think that the officier lied and arrested him uneccessarily- as the two that were actually racing were taken to the hospital. What are my options? I am so very scared I dont want to lose him ..he is a good person that made a mistake. I will NOT be able to handle all of the responsiblity by myself. What can/should we do ?
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Probation Violation, 11/09/06, by Sharese.