Re: police reports
Posted by Res Ispa Loquitur on 11/25/06
Of Course as citizens WE had the RIGHT to the "Record" with includes all documents from police. Otherwise how would a person mount a defence to criminal charges. A person can defend themselves in court "per se" and gets the same paper work an attornet gets. Cops are arrogantlittle bullies who think they are the law. Under the Freedom of Information Act ALL records the Federal government has on a person can be otained. The states have also a Freedom of Information Act for all State documents. They can charge a "reasonalbe" fee for copying of the report. Look up the Freedom of Information for your state on the internet and get the form. Fill it out and if you get no response send your original request and proof of $5 paid and the Freedom of Ifo request to the state agency that takes care of this matter. Let the arrogant cops the try to be the law in front of a State Judge!! Good luck Res Ispa Loquitur
On 11/24/06, Tequila wrote: > do we, as citizens, have a legal right to a copy of our > own police report? The case is an open misdemeanor case in > Fairfield California and the police department is denying > me a copy of the police report. Isubmitted request using > their forms and paid my $5 fee.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- police reports, 11/24/06, by Tequila.
- Re: police reports, 11/25/06, by Res Ispa Loquitur.