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    Post: Violation of Probation in Texas

    Posted by Mary on 1/19/07

    On December the 4th 2006 my son was sent a letter from the
    court that he had an appointment and to presented himself.
    He did so without counsel he was arrest for violation of
    probation, before that he had received two calls from the
    court and both times he missed the calls, he tried calling
    back but he never let a message. The probation office
    informed me that he was behind on his community service,
    court cost and that she had aked him to bring a letter to
    her on the next day and he didn't not a dirty UA or leaving
    town or theft. Therefore she recommened YOP a resential
    program, I tried to get information from the court the only
    thing they could tell me was that it was a 6 month program
    and he'd be in jail till then? again I contacted this
    probation officer and she then communicated to me that she
    was not aware he would be spending any time in jail and she
    wasn't sure what this program consisted of? I'm now very
    upset and she say's she sorry, I don't understand how
    someone that recommended this program knows very little
    about it? I spoke to her again and she informed me that
    another probation officer at her office stated that my son
    will be there from maybe 3 months and then 3 months on the
    outside? Well I was a bit happier then and related this to
    my son that still in jail and not been transferred yet.
    My son was transferred to this unit on 1/3/07 we received a
    call from him and we will not be able to see him or talk to
    him for 35 days, but I have since spoke to his probation
    officer at this unit where he's at now and she has stated
    that no one has ever left there sooner than 6 months and
    that most of these boys will be there longer due to
    problems. They stay from 6 months to one year. My son had
    stated this to me when he was still in jail and had also
    stated that these people try to get the other offenders to
    get you into trouble so that it's very unlikely that any of
    them go home at 6 months. I don't understand how these boys
    that are really trying to change can get anything positive
    out of this if the people that are suppose help are being
    the enemies, can you direct me to anyone that can help me
    with this part of it, I know you've heard it before but my
    boy does have a good heart and is trying to change and will
    do want he's suppose to I feel that what was done it not
    right. My son had no warner at all, I thought they would
    let him know that he could go to jail? Please let me know
    what you recommend


    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Violation of Probation in Texas, 1/19/07, by Mary.
  • Re: Violation of Probation in Texas, 1/25/07, by Fanua SP. (SCUPS-Student).
  • Re: Violation of Probation in Texas, 1/25/07, by Mary .
  • Re: Violation of Probation in Texas, 1/29/07, by Fanua SP. (SCUPS-Student).
  • Re: Violation of Probation in Texas, 11/27/07, by marion.
  • Re: Violation of Probation in Texas, 11/29/07, by Mary.
  • Re: Violation of Probation in Texas, 11/29/07, by Mary.

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