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    Re: Violation of Probation in Texas

    Posted by Mary on 11/29/07

    My son was released 6 months to the date that he was placed in YOP,
    (THANK YOU LORD) not from the date he was in county jail that did not
    count as time serve like it is for most offenders serving time in
    county! There was a group of young men that were released at the same
    time (6 months completed), this had been the first group in years
    that had been able to go home right at 6 months...Although early on
    in all this the probation officer at this place told me don't count
    on your son leaving at 6 months that he would probably be there a
    year, because no one goes home at 6 months because they get into so
    much trouble here! goes to show us that the administration has no
    faith in there own program.
    As stated these was not a juvenile matter and these young men are in
    different programs according to what they are in there for.
    We are told that our boys will get help and that there are great
    counseling and mentoring at this facility and we as family members
    are so appreciative and grateful for this but in truth they get very
    little counseling we could say none. What they learn is from each
    other and some of this is not positive they see and hear things that
    most of us adult don't even want to know about, it breaks my heart
    that it becomes part of their everyday life there. If this program
    was ran with more counseling and family workshops with us involved it
    would help to these young men a great deal. I know from what my son
    has told me that there has been some people that have tried to help
    these young men and turned the system into positive for them but the
    few that try get pushed OUT of these places by the very people that
    are suppose to be there to make a difference! This really anger us
    but we are helpless to doing or saying anything to any guard or
    administration due to having our loved one hurt and yes they could
    get hurt or punished, not be able to see us or write us, go outside,
    or eat etc.etc. I can only pray the system there will change, it's
    sickening to think of the beatings and accidental deaths these young
    men have encountered while being in similar facilities and we all
    know that these guards and administration can get away with murder if
    need to. Let's not stop caring or we will not be any better.... Thank
    you to everybody that understands this and I pray for a better world.


    On 11/27/07, marion wrote:
    > Mary, have you had any help with this situation. I hope so. My
    > heart goes out to you.
    > On 1/29/07, Fanua SP. (SCUPS-Student) wrote:
    >> Dear Mary,
    >> You can contact 210-564-3721 and ask to speak to Chuck Speier or
    >> direct you to the right person.
    >> Thanks
    >> On 1/25/07, Mary wrote:
    >>> I don't think this a Juvenile matter, he is now 19 years old
    >>> now, he is at YOP in Humble Texas. There are different
    >>> residentail compounds, the ages are 18-25. They are housed
    >>> according to what they are in there for. Who can I call
    >>> Thank you
    >>> Mary
    >>> On 1/25/07, Fanua SP. (SCUPS-Student) wrote:
    >>>> Dear Mary,
    >>>> You can call 512-424-6700 Texas Juvenile Probation
    >>>> Commission and talk to them with regard to your concern. If
    >>>> they can not resolve the matter then write to:
    >>>> Texas Juvenile Probation Commission
    >>>> Attention: Legal Division
    >>>> 4900 N. Lamar Blvd
    >>>> PO Box 13547, Austin, TX 78711
    >>>> Please keep copies of all communication plus a general of
    >>>> time, date, who, when and phone number etc. All
    >>>> communication from son etc. If you have a family lawyer seek
    >>>> advice from her or him.
    >>>> Thanks
    >>>> On 1/19/07, Mary wrote:
    >>>>> On December the 4th 2006 my son was sent a letter from the
    >>>>> court that he had an appointment and to presented himself.
    >>>>> He did so without counsel he was arrest for violation of
    >>>>> probation, before that he had received two calls from the
    >>>>> court and both times he missed the calls, he tried calling
    >>>>> back but he never let a message. The probation office
    >>>>> informed me that he was behind on his community service,
    >>>>> court cost and that she had aked him to bring a letter to
    >>>>> her on the next day and he didn't not a dirty UA or
    >>>> leaving
    >>>>> town or theft. Therefore she recommened YOP a resential
    >>>>> program, I tried to get information from the court the
    >>>> only
    >>>>> thing they could tell me was that it was a 6 month program
    >>>>> and he'd be in jail till then? again I contacted this
    >>>>> probation officer and she then communicated to me that she
    >>>>> was not aware he would be spending any time in jail and
    >>>> she
    >>>>> wasn't sure what this program consisted of? I'm now very
    >>>>> upset and she say's she sorry, I don't understand how
    >>>>> someone that recommended this program knows very little
    >>>>> about it? I spoke to her again and she informed me that
    >>>>> another probation officer at her office stated that my son
    >>>>> will be there from maybe 3 months and then 3 months on the
    >>>>> outside? Well I was a bit happier then and related this to
    >>>>> my son that still in jail and not been transferred yet.
    >>>>> My son was transferred to this unit on 1/3/07 we received
    >>>> a
    >>>>> call from him and we will not be able to see him or talk
    >>>> to
    >>>>> him for 35 days, but I have since spoke to his probation
    >>>>> officer at this unit where he's at now and she has stated
    >>>>> that no one has ever left there sooner than 6 months and
    >>>>> that most of these boys will be there longer due to
    >>>>> problems. They stay from 6 months to one year. My son had
    >>>>> stated this to me when he was still in jail and had also
    >>>>> stated that these people try to get the other offenders to
    >>>>> get you into trouble so that it's very unlikely that any
    >>>> of
    >>>>> them go home at 6 months. I don't understand how these
    >>>> boys
    >>>>> that are really trying to change can get anything positive
    >>>>> out of this if the people that are suppose help are being
    >>>>> the enemies, can you direct me to anyone that can help me
    >>>>> with this part of it, I know you've heard it before but my
    >>>>> boy does have a good heart and is trying to change and
    >>>> will
    >>>>> do want he's suppose to I feel that what was done it not
    >>>>> right. My son had no warner at all, I thought they would
    >>>>> let him know that he could go to jail? Please let me know
    >>>>> what you recommend
    >>>>> Mary

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Violation of Probation in Texas, 1/19/07, by Mary.
  • Re: Violation of Probation in Texas, 1/25/07, by Fanua SP. (SCUPS-Student).
  • Re: Violation of Probation in Texas, 1/25/07, by Mary .
  • Re: Violation of Probation in Texas, 1/29/07, by Fanua SP. (SCUPS-Student).
  • Re: Violation of Probation in Texas, 11/27/07, by marion.
  • Re: Violation of Probation in Texas, 11/29/07, by Mary.
  • Re: Violation of Probation in Texas, 11/29/07, by Mary.

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