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    Post: probation violation yet sentenced to 1 year

    Posted by John Smith on 2/19/07

    In October of 2006 I was convicted of midemeanor DUI (VC
    23152b)in Los Angeles Superior Court. I was sentenced to
    365 days in jail and formal probation. After 2 weeks in
    jail, i was offered and took, house arrest (that still
    allows me to go to work each work day) with electronic
    monitoring ankle strap device. The sheriffs dept gave the
    monitoring company paperwork showing a "release" date of
    5/23/07. I had a dirty urine test a few weeks ago
    (methamphetamine & marijuana)with the probation dept. and
    received notification via mail that probation had requested
    and received a calender date from the court for a probation
    violation hearing for 2/27/07. my lawyer bailed on me
    (actually, she said she needed another $2000, after the
    $6000 i've originally paid her.) My house arrest is going
    fine.... i am paid up, and in good standing with the
    private monitoring company. So a couple of questions...
    First, the lawyer who handled the original DUI case said
    there is not much the judge can do as far as jail time
    because i was given the max incarceration as defined by the
    code (1 year). She said about the only thing judge can do
    is revoke my probation, revoke my house arrest,& send me
    back to jail to complete my sentence. will I be afforded
    the right to counsel at my hearing? If i ask for a public
    defender, will they have me talk with one on the spot so
    that hearing may continue that day and basically railroad
    me back into jail right then and there? At my intake
    interview with my probation officer, i knew i might be
    screwed because probation officer asked if i could help his
    wife get a job with my company (i work for a firm that
    provides a very specialized/niche service that she was
    apparently qualified for... nuff said)I told him we had an
    Ethics Code at my place of employ that will not allow me
    to "pull strings" or get in a "good word" for people
    seeking employment. I told him the only thing I could do
    was give him (the PO) the name of appropriate contact
    person at my company and his wife could contact him/her
    directly concerning the the hiring process/qulifications
    etc. for her particular skill. he tried not to show it, but
    i could tell he was miffed at my response to his query.....
    Can any one please provide me help? I would be so sincerely
    grateful.... i'm all alone on this and feel like i'm about
    to get run throught the meatgrinder that is our "justice"
    system. Thank You

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • probation violation yet sentenced to 1 year, 2/19/07, by John Smith.
  • Re: probation violation yet sentenced to 1 year, 2/20/07, by Curmudgeon.

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