Post: Due Process Traffic Ticket

Posted by David on 5/13/07
A small town officer issued a ticket for not obeying
posted signs..speed limit...telling the diriver that he
was cutting her a break. Three weeks later when he found
out she requested a hearing he got angry, voided that
ticket and issued her a ticket for "Speeding over 15 MPH".
He called her and told her that since she was "Appealing"
his decision and going to court he would write a new
ticket so she would get points and a higher fine.
Question? Is this a violation of Due Process? She was not
allowed by this officer to a hearing on the original
ticket. Any help is appreciated..any case law for
Pennsylvania or a site to find such?
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Due Process Traffic Ticket, 5/13/07, by David.