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    Re: National Arbitration Forum against me

    Posted by Gary Ricin on 9/04/07

    The first thing to do is to challenge the ruling. Normally,
    you'll have 30 days from receipt of the notice of award to
    make a challenge. If this 30 days has not expired, then all
    is not lost. There are most likely other grounds that you
    could challenge the ruling on.

    For instance, did you file any kind of fraud alert per the
    illegal overuse of your card? If you did, and the NAF did
    not take that into account in their hearing, then youmight
    have a case that the NAF showed undue partiality to the
    people tying to get money from you.

    A couple other things:

    The NAF is known nationally a a rubber stamp arm of a
    handful of credit card companies and debt collectors.

    The system works thus: The credit card companies include a
    controversial arbitration clause in their credit card
    agreements that says all disputes must be arbitrated byt the

    Then, when there is a dispute, the credit card company
    essentially buys a certificate from the NAF stating that the
    credit card user is at fault and owes the money.

    However, the NAF is not a court of law, so the credit card
    company then has to take that award to a court to have them
    enforce it.

    It sounds as though you're somewhere about here in the

    If I were you, I'd challenge the NAF's contention that there
    ever was an agreement between you and the company to
    arbitrate the dsipute. There are various documents that tey
    MUST produce, particularly if you demand them, or they can
    not get the award enforced.

    One of these documents is a binding contract between you and
    them to arbitrate disputes.

    My guess is that none such exists.

    Get Angry! and fight back.
    On 7/19/07, Melanie wrote:
    > Unfortunately I used poor judgment and let a relative use
    > my credit card. He filed for bankruptcy and I am left with
    > his debt. I am on disability and cannot pay . I do not own
    > a house or a car. I have 175.00 in savings and receive
    > 600.00 a month. Recently the National arbitration ruled
    > against me in the amount of 38,000. What can they do to
    > me? Do I have to file for Bankruptcy? I really can’t
    > afford to pay a bankruptcy Lawyer. Any advice would be
    > appreciated. I live in the state of New York. Thank you

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • National Arbitration Forum against me, 7/19/07, by Melanie.
  • Re: National Arbitration Forum against me, 9/04/07, by Gary Ricin.
  • Re: National Arbitration Forum against me, 9/04/07, by Gary Ricin.
  • Re: National Arbitration Forum against me, 9/24/07, by Prairie Dawg.
  • Re: National Arbitration Forum against me, 9/24/07, by v.
  • Re: National Arbitration Forum against me, 9/24/07, by Gary Ricin.
  • Re: National Arbitration Forum against me, 10/17/07, by Steven B..
  • Re: National Arbitration Forum against me, 10/17/07, by Prairie Dawg.
  • Re: National Arbitration Forum against me, 10/18/07, by Gary Ricin.

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