Post: Wolpoff & Abramson, NAF
Posted by Terry on 11/13/07
Sent a Cease Communications to W&A, that didn't work. Sent a Debt Validation letter (more than once) and that didn't work. I was delivered a Arbitration Notice about a year ago from the NAF and W&A. I responded to the arbitration and demanded proof where I agreed to be part of any arbitration agreement between W&A and myself. This went back and forth for a couple of months. I was surprised (insert sarcasm here) when the NAF sent me a letter stating in favor of W&A. By the way, each letter I sent was certified with return receipt to both W&A and the NAF. About a year has passed now and you guessed it, W&A want to sue me for award of the arbitration. I filed a written response with the court house well within the time frame. Living in Texas I know the SOL is 4 years. It has not reached that point yet. What happens now? Once the attorney(?) for W&A receive notice of my response will they then proceed with a court date and if so, will they try and make a last ditch effort to settle? They have never validated the debt so how do I really know it's mine?
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Wolpoff & Abramson, NAF, 11/13/07, by Terry.
- Re: Wolpoff & Abramson, NAF, 11/14/07, by Prairie Dawg.
- Re: Wolpoff & Abramson, NAF, 11/17/07, by Gary Ricin.
- Re: Wolpoff & Abramson, NAF, 11/26/07, by terry.
- Re: Wolpoff & Abramson, NAF, 11/28/07, by Gary Ricin.