Post: Motion to Declare CH 708 Unconstitutional

Posted by Daniel Montes, Jr. on 6/24/11
I have a pending motion to declare CH 708 Unconstitutional before Judge Nash, Dallas County JP1-2 in Lancaster Texas. Its State of Texas v Daniel Montes, Jr. I have found four basic legal flaws in CH 708 that are clearly unconstitutional under the state and US Const. The recent legal challenges follow the double jeopardy reasoning, but fail. I know four legal arguments that will blow it out of the water. Be advised that I have included in the proposed order for the State to reimburse every dollar that was collected at 18% APR interest, reinstate every suspended DL, declare CH708 unconstitutional, and hold the state and its agents in contempt if it continues to enforce the statute. You say JP does not have the authority to rule on the motion. It actually does. Its a court of law. It can deny my motion then I file an interlocutory appeal to the Dallas County Court. It for sure can rule on it. If not will do a writ of mandamus to the TX Court of Criminal Appeals. If they drop the ball then a writ of cert US Sup Ct. Ok, you want to know the four legal arguments. Its easy. One, Tx Congress prohibited from delegating its taxing authority to the TxDPS and or MSB. Two Tx Congress prohibited from enacting any local, special or private law for the assessment or collection of taxes. Three and Four are long shots based on violations of the US Const. I welcome any friends of the court supporting briefs. Please file them now. I have given the Dallas DA and TX Soliticitor General written notice of the motion. They will respond. Come get in on the action. We can argue it in Austin or maybe in DC. I will post the hearing date so you can attend. Please get the word out. I am trying for everyone who has been burned. Will get your money back. I Need your support. By you attending the hearings will show the judge that this is a hot topic that needs to be addressed. Thankyou. Daniel Montes, Jr., 469-563-8998 cell,
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Motion to Declare CH 708 Unconstitutional, 6/24/11, by Daniel Montes, Jr..
- Re: Hearing set to hear the motion 9a July 25th., 7/05/11, by Daniel Montes, Jr..
- Re: Judgment Day for Ch 708, 9a July 25th., 7/05/11, by Daniel Montes.
- Re: Court of Criminal Appeals of Texas has accepted the case., 8/03/11, by Daniel Montes.