Post: Trans. Code 708/Driver's License

Posted by fred on 7/30/11
My surcharge has been paid, my license suspension has been lifted, but I am being required by TDPS to pay $135($100 Adm. + $35 SR22) plus an SR22 showing that I have insurance. I do not own a car and any car I drive has to be insured. This would result in double ins. My understanding is that I must have a 1 yr policy paid six months in advance. This results in a 4th level of penalty. I do not understand the requirement and costs, since insurance is not required to obtain a DL and a new DL doesn't cost $135. Under TC 601.051(1)-Subchapter D, I can get liability ins. and the right to drive, but TC 502.153(e)(2) states that you cannot operate a car with insurance under 601.051(1). There seems to be a conflict. My position, liability insurance should only apply to the driver, the car can't pay. It would saver a lot of paperwork and headaches ANYONE HAVE ANY INFO.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Trans. Code 708/Driver's License, 7/30/11, by fred.