Post: miranda for minor in illinois

Posted by Jon on 2/08/12
Sir/maam, My son was playing at a playground and a piece of
equipment was pushed off the base. My son was there, but
they arrested him a couple blocks away, he was cuffed, but
the other boy was not, due to not enough sets. The officer
transported them to the station, without seatbelts. They
were questioned and I was called but to tell me they had
him in custody. When I got to the station the officer
denied me from seeing him and he was given a waiver form to
initial and sign, it stated that if he could not afford an
attorney, one would be provided, but the judge told me
yesterday that he was not eligible for an attorney since
this did not have jail time associated with the city
ordinance violation.
The burden of proof is lesser than reasonable doubt for
this case.
The main question on the table, should he have an adult or
attorney available or present for the giving of the miranda
rights? At 13, he would not even know why he was being
told to sign a waiver from the police officer?
Posts on this thread, including this one
- miranda for minor in illinois, 2/08/12, by Jon.