Post: LA Child Support Collection MESS!

Posted by Sandra Porfirio on 6/15/16
Let me state that I worked for the Los Angeles County, I lef t because I could not stand the corruption with in the LA Co unty. I went back to private sector. Most recently I discove red how deep it really runs. The County hires people not cap able of doing their jobs. I believe the get paid to keep the money coming in but not being paid out. The county has exce ed the legal rights of others. They have involved themselves in private child support orders that were none of their bus iness. They have garnished unknown amounts of money with the ir illegal activities. They have no active court order, they are using out dated court orders to collect and than they h ave their Representatives to signing legal forms that only a Judge or Commissioner can dooly sign. They ignore your call s they close case without written notification to you. We ha ve been over charged $67,000 for child support payments IM h ave to file suit to make them pay it back, its it unbelievab le! a five year old child knows better. I want to do a class action suit but I need more people suffering the same probl em!
Posts on this thread, including this one
- LA Child Support Collection MESS!, 6/15/16, by Sandra Porfirio.