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Welcome to the Employment Law Chatboard. This Attorneys Chatboard
is dedicated to discussions of equal opportunity employment/EEOC, disabilities, occupational health and safety, and other issues related to employment law.
Please bookmark this resource and contribute often!

Latest posts on the Employment Law Chatboard
- Are you able to quit while going through worker's comp?, 3/12/15, by paying vang .
- Employer Asking Medical Question, 1/16/13, by Joe.
- Employer not honoring pay rate agreement, and other deals. , 9/08/12, by ThomasJ.
- Wages and Raises, 6/26/12, by Karen.
- Employment lawyer help?, 9/28/11, by krysteena.
- Local govt impeachment, 9/28/11, by Jeffrey J kenney.
- do i have a right to sue?, 8/15/11, by britney.
- Help with Appeal Defense, 7/10/11, by Andrea.
- work comp, 7/05/11, by stefanie.
- seasonal employment, 5/20/11, by David.
- Possible security rule violation?, 5/20/11, by Rara .
- SEO Job For 10,000+ High PR Links, 3/24/11, by Adodesegevott.
- Am I a second class citizen?, 3/10/11, by James Smith.
- Salary ranges? , 3/09/11, by Sunnyseas.
- Saudi crack down BMGWLBusting My Gut With Laughter , 3/05/11, by Swapsisasof.
-, 2/09/11, by
- Handle Employment Issue Legally , 11/29/10, by Martin Dack.
- Referencing Union Dues During Union Organization, 11/05/10, by Kevin.
- Making Masks Mandatory For Supposed Colds, 10/12/10, by Buddy.
- Re: Unemployment/EDD appeal (California), 9/02/10, by Barron J..
- Re: Unemployment/EDD appeal (California), 8/31/10, by lawguy.
- Re: Unemployment/EDD appeal (California), 8/29/10, by Socal Dude.
- Unemployment/EDD appeal (California), 8/29/10, by Barron J..
- Help me, 8/26/10, by Michele.
- Can I be legally terminated for...?, 8/21/10, by Gordon G.
- Re: Pay date , 8/09/10, by lawguy.
- Re: Can I get fired even with a doctors note?, 8/09/10, by lawguy.
- Can I get fired even with a doctors note?, 8/02/10, by Jamie.
- Pay date , 6/14/10, by Sam V.
- Re: Employee Personal Information, 5/04/10, by Terry.
- Employee Personal Information, 5/03/10, by M Tortual.
- Re: Conference requirement, 4/18/10, by Terry.
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