Re: Termination due to discrepency between hrs worked in MI
Posted by Curmudgeon on 11/13/05
As I understand your post, you were stealing from your employer and its client by lying about the number of hours you worked. You got caught and got fired. Now you want the taxpayers to support you while you sit on your ass complaining about the "espionage." Go ahead and apply for your unemployment comp. You live in a state that is tolerant of its liars and thieves. On 11/13/05, Alexender Garcia wrote: > I was working as a cousultant for a Big corporation > thru my employer in Detroit MI. The Client manager had > practice of tracking everybodies hr by espionage and > electronic equipment monitoring ( Swiping in out of > badges). > > It turns out that their was a discrepency between my > hrs recorded and reported . I was reporting 8 hrs while as > per tracking it was less than that . Although I tried to > convince my client manager of re correcting hours billed > or work extra He didn't listen. My assignment and > subsequently my employement was terminated by my employer . > Also my employer has told me that they will pay me > whatsoever the client pays to then. Under these > circumstances please advice. > > Am I eligible to file unemployement benefit or not . > > > > > > > > >
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Termination due to discrepency between hrs worked in MI , 11/13/05, by Alexender Garcia .
- Re: Termination due to discrepency between hrs worked in MI, 11/13/05, by Curmudgeon.
- Re: Termination due to discrepency between hrs worked in MI, 11/14/05, by Terry.