Re: Anti-tipping laws unconstituional
Posted by chewtoy on 12/09/05
On 12/08/05, George wrote:
> I was reading a story about tipping and came
> across an interesting fact. Anti-tipping laws
> were declared unconstitutional in the same year
> that Congress passed the Volstead Act, 1919.
> Does anyone know the name of the case that
> declared anti-tipping laws unconstitutional?
yes, but you can't find it on this site.
it's only available on another site, far far away from this
this other site CONCLUSIVELY PROVES that customers have (not
only) a constitutional (but also a GOD GIVEN) right to see
their tip ends up only in the pocket of the server of the
table where they abandoned it.
However, you can't get to that site from here (so I can't
give you a link).
in fact, you can't get to that other site UNLESS you stop
coming to this board and the "cookie" no longer
resides in your cache. now, some will say that you can delete
all cookies and clear your history and somesuch nonsense, but
I know it's proven that this is not true. instead, you MUST
STOP POSTING AT THIS BOARD if you ever want a chance to get
the evidence -- the actual regulations and high court
decisions -- that prove you true.
unfortunately, is nothing but an impedance to
your inevitable triumph. these fools are only delaying you.
please, for your good, for everyone's good, go away.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Anti-tipping laws unconstituional , 12/08/05, by George.
- Re: Anti-tipping laws unconstituional , 12/09/05, by chewtoy.
- Re: Anti-tipping laws unconstituional , 12/11/05, by Ozarks Lawyer.
- Re: Anti-tipping laws unconstituional , 12/13/05, by George.
- Re: Anti-tipping laws unconstituional , 12/13/05, by chewtoy.
- Re: Anti-tipping laws unconstituional , 2/10/06, by Exiled says:.
- Re: Anti-tipping laws unconstituional , 2/11/06, by heard.