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    Post: Severance and Collecting Unemployment in Illinois

    Posted by nancy Paullin on 1/20/06

    Hi -- any advice on this would be appreciated. My job was
    eliminated and my boss told me he would give me 6 weeks
    severance. I told him I would think about the 6 week
    package (thinking if I would ask for more) and he said to
    just get back to him. I then emailed him and told him I
    accepted the 6 week package. He then emailed me back and
    said he would get a letter out to me to sign for the 6 week
    severance deal. He took over 2 weeks and never got back to
    me, and in the meantime I had to pay rent etc. so I filed
    for unemployment. On my last email correspondance with him
    asking when I would receive my severance pay he told me
    that my severance was conditional on NOT filing for
    unemployment and therefore he no longer planned on giving
    me the severance. I have nothing but a verbal agreement and
    the emails (would those be binding as contract?) on the
    severance of 6 weeks, and he never said anything to me
    about not filing unemployment. Does he have the right to
    not pay me my severance because I filed unemployment? It
    seems unjust to me. When he told me he was restructuring
    and my position was being eliminated, he offered me 6 weeks
    severance. I then accepted via writing in email and then
    was waiting for him to send the letter for signature. What
    are my options in getting my severance. He's a pretty shady
    guy, often paychecks would bounce etc....thanks in advance
    for any help you might have

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Severance and Collecting Unemployment in Illinois, 1/20/06, by nancy Paullin.

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