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    Re: Will to Work in Virginia??

    Posted by jamie on 4/10/06

    On 4/05/06, Dana wrote:
    > I'm currently in an awful position at work. I just
    > started a new job for a group of physicians in a new state
    > with a contract that states I must give the company 3
    > months notice with my intention to leave. One month into
    > my job we found out that our group (the physicians)
    > contract is being let go by the hospital. In other words,
    > I have a contract with the group, the group has a contract
    > with the hospital, and the hospital is letting the group
    > (including me)go in mid July. I have spent months trying
    > to find another position in the area and finally found
    > one, only this new group needs to hire me on now. I can't
    > afford to loose this job opportunity and I'm not sure the
    > new groups is willing to wait 3 months. I'm afraid the
    > group I'm currently with may sue if I try to leave early.
    > As it is I'm already getting screwed over by loosing my
    > job after a couple months employment (and not by anything
    > I did) and now I'm being forced to stay? I've heard
    > rumors that the state of Virginia has a "will to work"
    > clause which would permit me to terminate my contract
    > without any consequences. Is this true? Is there any
    > alternatives so that I can get out of this dead end job
    > that will no longer exist in a few months so I can start a
    > new one? Thank you for your help!

    Like every other state except Montana, VA is an "employment
    at will" state, which means that either party can end the
    employment relationship at any time for any reason that does
    not violate the law. However, if you have a bona fide,
    enforceable contract, it's not a 100% guarantee that you can
    end the employment relationship with no consequences. You
    will have to have a VA attorney review the terms of the
    contract to determine whether or not it is enforceable and
    what, if any consequences you will face if you resign
    without giving the called-for notice.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Will to Work in Virginia??, 4/05/06, by Dana.
  • Re: Will to Work in Virginia??, 4/10/06, by jamie.
  • Re: Will to Work in Virginia?, 4/22/06, by Richard Quintilone II, Esq..

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