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    Re: right to time or not

    Posted by M'sta Mikey on 4/11/06

    On 4/10/06, taj wrote:
    > i have worked in a nursing home for going on six months
    > now and two weeks before time for my vacation hours to
    > start accumalating another employer asked me when are you
    > going to start PRN (meaning "Per RELEIF needed")basiclly
    > on callyou get no benefits ,no overtime ,no vacation ,nor
    > sick time plus i had time accum@ed i was confused and
    > asked what are you talking about she stated that the
    > person that does the schedules told her that i was going
    > PRN i was heated because #1 i didnt know anything about it
    > #2 i couldnt believe she discussed my personal facts with
    > another employer without my consent.she says the employer
    > came and asked her about it says i told her about it
    > regardless she shoulsd have told her to mine her own
    > business she swear sent me letters stating that they were
    > changing my employment status because of lost time not to
    > mention every time at least most of the time i had doctors
    > excuses court dates whatever it was excused they swear
    > they sent 2 letters to an address i havent been at for
    > over 4 months anyways i found it funny that as soon as i
    > was not even 2 weeks from vacation time they took my sick
    > time vacation time everything to change my status i had
    > time accumalated and they took it is there anything i can
    > do is there a law against discussing my personal or
    > employment business with other staff ?should i go to the
    > higher up and say something about this and if i do am i
    > risking my job ? and what about my time can they do this?
    > im so stressed out

    In order of questions asked:

    1. Yes
    2. You could
    3. You might be
    4. What you've earned is yours - they can't take that from
    you. However, they may have applied these days to the ones
    you missed, if they paid you for the missed days.

    Check your employment agreement/contract or policy manual if
    you have one.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • right to time or not , 4/10/06, by taj.
  • Re: right to time or not , 4/11/06, by M'sta Mikey.

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