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    Re: Can a Job let someone go for being sick?

    Posted by Carol on 4/21/06

    is the illness work related? You may have a chance then but
    justice Mikey said, if it's an employment at will state they
    don't evey have to have a reason unless that reason is against
    public policy e.g related to race or religion. Sorry. but
    that's why we need the unions to rise again, to protect the
    workers rights and jobs. (I know I'll hear about that
    > Unless you're covered under a labor contract (UAW, etc.),
    > can't do much. Also, if you work in an Employment At-Will
    > state, the employer can let you go for any, or no, reason at
    > all.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Can a Job let someone go for being sick?, 4/19/06, by Angel Miette.
  • Re: Can a Job let someone go for being sick?, 4/21/06, by M'sta Mikey.
  • Re: Can a Job let someone go for being sick?, 4/21/06, by Carol.
  • Re: Can a Job let someone go for being sick?, 4/21/06, by M'sta Mikey.

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