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    Post: Do I have a case for hostile work environment

    Posted by peggy mckinney on 4/20/06

    Co-worker in front of two other witnesses made several
    derogaroty statements about me. Statements: I was a
    negative person, I was always putting students down, that
    I reminded her of her mother-in-law, and she hated her
    mother-in-law, that's why she didn't go to their house.
    all I did was gossip, that she tried to respect people
    older than her, but she could no longer respect me, I said
    that her religion was weird, and that she had more if I
    wanted to her more. I asked for a job re-assignment so I
    would not have to be in the same room with her, but was
    denied because it would cause a rift in the building. I
    tried working for 3 1/2 days but started having anxiety
    attacks. I quit on the 4th day. Dr. said that I had
    Transient Situtational Disorder and put me on medication.
    Told me to withdraw resignation because made under
    duress. I was told there was no duress and they would not
    withdraw resignation. Doctor also told me to file
    workman's comp claim. The boss called me at home after
    filing workman's comp claim and told me not to return. I
    had two more weeks to work according to my resignation.
    Co-worker did not attact my race, age, sex, or religion,
    but she attacked my character. I felt it was verbal
    abuse. Employer says it is not. Do I have any kind of
    case? Also these comments were false statements about me.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Do I have a case for hostile work environment, 4/20/06, by peggy mckinney.

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