Re: Discrimination/Harrasment
Posted by M'sta Mikey on 4/24/06
On 4/24/06, Ron Johnson wrote: > I have worked for the post office for over twenty years. > In the last five years I have had my pay reduced every > time I call in for leave. I have no leave restrictions in > place I have no documentation that I cannot l use sick or > annual leave and each time I have a incident that I am > required to use leave I am harrassed, dicriminated > agaainst and I have been refused the use of FMLA by the > management staff refusing to assist in completing my > application. I had a heart failure incident two years ago > and I have been harrased worst since that point. I need > legal representation immediately. Before I lose my jon. > Are you a union member? If so, where is your union representation and why have they not intervened on your behalf? Or have they and found no cause for action? If not, you need to consult with an attorney specializing in employment law in your state.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Discrimination/Harrasment, 4/24/06, by Ron Johnson.
- Re: Discrimination/Harrasment, 4/24/06, by M'sta Mikey.