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    Post: Health Reasonable Accommodation

    Posted by Charles on 11/17/06

    I work for the Federal Government as a computer programmer.
    In my department there are four black females, three white
    males, and one asian male. The management chain is all black

    There is a perception among the males that there are two
    classes of employees in our group - black females and
    everyone else. The black females seem to have carte blanche.
    One of them has worked less than one year in the last three,
    and is continuing this practice into a fourth year, yet her
    job is held open for her.

    I work a 4/10 schedule, that is, I work four ten hour days,
    and take one day off each week. We have a union contract
    that states in part:

    "Prior to the beginning of a pay period, an employee who is
    on 5/4-9 or 4/10 schedule may request that his/her normal
    day(s) off be changed for the upcoming pay period(s). The
    Employer will grant this request absent a severe workload

    Aside from the fact that the above clause is ridiculous, as
    a programmer, it literally makes no difference when I do my
    work, and that being the case, it should make no difference
    whatever which day I take off each week, yet the above union
    clause is rigidly enforced for me.

    For about the past eighteen months, I have been dealing with
    some serious health issues, and often need to accept medical
    appointments the do not allow me to conform to the union
    contract. Yet, instead of allowing me to change my day off,
    I am forced to use sick leave or vacation and lose time from
    work, completely unnecessarily.

    I am seeking an opinion from someone who is qualified to
    venture one as to whether it should be considered a
    reasonable accommodation request to allow me to change my
    day off for medical reasons, even though such a request
    might not conform to the rigid requirements of the union

    Thank you for any advice or suggestions.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Health Reasonable Accommodation, 11/17/06, by Charles.
  • Re: Health Reasonable Accommodation, 11/17/06, by Carol.

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