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    Posted by Kareem J Clemons on 2/06/07

    City of Newark and Employees Violate Federal Health Laws

    On Friday, February 2, 2007, the City of Newark and the City
    Department of Health and Human Services were informed of serious
    violations of the Health Insurance Portability and
    Accountability Act (HIPAA).

    An anonymous caller, now identified as Kareem Clemons, contacted
    the Newark Department of Health to inquire about the safety of
    his information should he receive services through the
    department. He was assured by a city employee who identified
    herself as “Sonya” that his health information is safely secured
    by the City. Clemons further inquired about an employee’s
    ability to remove medical or health files from the health
    unit. “Sonya” further assured Clemons that no employee was
    permitted to remove files from the facility.

    Clemons informed Sonya that he was in possession of over 35
    health cases for clients that have been treated by the City’s
    health clinic for various venereal diseases. After Sonya
    confirmed the cases were in fact the City of Newark’s, she
    encouraged Clemons to meet her at Irvington Motor Vehicle
    Commission so that she could “retrieve the files and discard
    them.” Feeling extremely uneasy with the department’s attempt
    to cover-up the violation of HIPAA laws and Sonya’s unkempt
    demeanor, Clemons contacted Mayor Cory Booker’s office.

    Clemons met with Booker’s assistant, Dawn, who retrieved the
    files with a business card identifying city employee Joseph
    Vereen as the Senior Health Investigator. Clemons requested an
    investigation take place to ensure that this does not occur
    again. Booker’s assistant informed Clemons that he was
    incriminating himself by reporting this information and that he
    could not remain anonymous. Later contradicting herself, Dawn
    assured Clemons he would remain anonymous and that an
    investigation would take place. Now concerned with the city’s
    lack of action and the fact that exactly 39 clients’ information
    including diagnosis, assessments, social security number and
    other confidential and identifying information was made public
    by the city employee’s failure to ensure safeguards made
    possible by HIPAA, Clemons comes forward with his story.

    For additional information, please contact Kareem Clemons at or 862-849-5952. Additionally, Mr.
    Clemons may be contacted at 973-351-5000.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • HIPAA VIOLATION, 1/27/07, by employee.
  • Re: HIPAA VIOLATION, 1/28/07, by RCW.
  • Re: HIPAA VIOLATION, 1/29/07, by Carol.
  • Re: HIPAA VIOLATION, 2/01/07, by Terry.
  • Re: HIPAA VIOLATION, 2/01/07, by Gerald.
  • Re: HIPAA VIOLATION, 2/06/07, by Kareem J Clemons.
  • Re: A case of HIPAA VIOLATION, but by the client's attorney, 3/24/07, by Ms. Reecey.
  • Re: A case of HIPAA VIOLATION, but by the client's attorney, 3/24/07, by Curmudgeon.
  • Re: HIPAA VIOLATION, 12/30/07, by john white.
  • Re: HIPAA VIOLATION, 1/06/08, by Jenn.
  • Re: HIPAA VIOLATION, 5/08/08, by JR..
  • Re: HIPAA VIOLATION, 6/25/08, by Ron Copper (kareem's lawyer).
  • Re: Up Date Info, 6/25/08, by Kareem J Clemons.
  • Re: A case of HIPAA VIOLATION, but by the client's attorney, 5/26/09, by Rachael Alt.
  • Re: A case of HIPAA VIOLATION, but by the client's attorney, 5/26/09, by Curmudgeon.

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