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    Re: A case of HIPAA VIOLATION, but by the client's attorney

    Posted by Ms. Reecey on 3/24/07

    In every case that my supervisor was unable to find a client file,
    telephone number, or anything pertaining to some form of office
    work it was always, someone else fault that she could not find it,
    someone else was “stupid or dumb”, or someone “screwed” her. She
    would have files and would have no idea where they were. She never
    took responsibility for actions or as the owner of her company.
    Once she was looking some of her clients personal files, she said
    that she hoped they were not in her boyfriend‘s truck on their way
    with him to where he was moving out of state. My supervisor has
    very confidential information just tossed every where and none
    under lock and key. My supervisor’s client personal filing system
    consisted of ; files in the downstairs bathroom closet (the closet
    is in the bathroom so that when you close the door you have full
    unlimited/unlimited access to sit in there and look at what ever
    you want), under the back desk in boxes on the 1st floor, in her
    car, the trunk of her car, the trunk of her boyfriend’s car, in
    the closet on the 2nd floor, in various desk drawers throughout
    the office, and on the table in the conference room. My supervisor
    did not try to keep her clients confidential information
    confidential. She left client files that contained personal heath
    information, financial information, Will, Trust, Estate Plans,
    Social Security Number, family members health information, Death
    Certificates, and clients blank checks just laying around the
    office unattended. In the case of CLIENT XXX, my supervisor asked
    the administrative assistant, her former administrative assistant,
    to go the bank and get blank checks for CLIENT XXX account. the
    administrative assistant brought the blank checks back to the
    office and gave them to my supervisor. my supervisor placed the
    blank checks on the credenza in the common area in the office and
    later was unable to find them and a day or so later she had to go
    and get more blank checks only after she called the administrative
    assistant a liar as accused her of never getting the checks. She
    often left confidential information on the front desk in an
    unattended by the front door to the office during the day. The
    office is an old house in what has been turned into a business
    district, right off a very busy major street.

    If this is a HIPPA violation please tell me what I would need to
    do to report this.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • HIPAA VIOLATION, 1/27/07, by employee.
  • Re: HIPAA VIOLATION, 1/28/07, by RCW.
  • Re: HIPAA VIOLATION, 1/29/07, by Carol.
  • Re: HIPAA VIOLATION, 2/01/07, by Terry.
  • Re: HIPAA VIOLATION, 2/01/07, by Gerald.
  • Re: HIPAA VIOLATION, 2/06/07, by Kareem J Clemons.
  • Re: A case of HIPAA VIOLATION, but by the client's attorney, 3/24/07, by Ms. Reecey.
  • Re: A case of HIPAA VIOLATION, but by the client's attorney, 3/24/07, by Curmudgeon.
  • Re: HIPAA VIOLATION, 12/30/07, by john white.
  • Re: HIPAA VIOLATION, 1/06/08, by Jenn.
  • Re: HIPAA VIOLATION, 5/08/08, by JR..
  • Re: HIPAA VIOLATION, 6/25/08, by Ron Copper (kareem's lawyer).
  • Re: Up Date Info, 6/25/08, by Kareem J Clemons.
  • Re: A case of HIPAA VIOLATION, but by the client's attorney, 5/26/09, by Rachael Alt.
  • Re: A case of HIPAA VIOLATION, but by the client's attorney, 5/26/09, by Curmudgeon.

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