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    Re: Up Date Info

    Posted by Kareem J Clemons on 6/25/08

    Hi My name is Kareem J Clemons I just recivied Information that
    somebody by the name of JR post a lie up here,for the reconds I was
    seeing Joseph for a short while then we broke up do to him lying and
    stealing from me my identy and fillin me on his taxes as a brother and
    recivied money back from the state and i have proof plus I have
    documents that prove he was not eligible to work for the city I have
    proof my new number is 1 (347) 257 0926

    On 6/25/08, Ron Copper (kareem's lawyer) wrote:
    > Hello Im Mr.Clemons lawyer (Ron) and please ignore the fasts that
    > this Mr.JR wrote. Im just now receiving the facts and evidence's to
    > this cases we are reviewing this matter so far Mr.Vereen Jr. is and
    > violation of the (HIPPAA) law along with others at the Department he
    > work at,so please if you may have been a victim like other's who
    > already came forward please contact me at (718)658-1478 Thank You
    > On 5/08/08, JR. wrote:
    >> Kareem clemons was dating joseph vereen at that time but due to
    >> the fact joseph broke up the relationship and joseph didnt give
    >> Kareem monetary help. he broke in and took the paper out of his
    >> car and framed mr. vereen and thats why no fother actions was
    >> taken place on the city empolyee
    >> josephand On 2/06/07, Kareem J Clemons wrote:
    >>> City of Newark and Employees Violate Federal Health Laws
    >>> On Friday, February 2, 2007, the City of Newark and the City
    >>> Department of Health and Human Services were informed of serious
    >>> violations of the Health Insurance Portability and
    >>> Accountability Act (HIPAA).
    >>> An anonymous caller, now identified as Kareem Clemons, contacted
    >>> the Newark Department of Health to inquire about the safety of
    >>> his information should he receive services through the
    >>> department. He was assured by a city employee who identified
    >>> herself as “Sonya” that his health information is safely secured
    >>> by the City. Clemons further inquired about an employee’s
    >>> ability to remove medical or health files from the health
    >>> unit. “Sonya” further assured Clemons that no employee was
    >>> permitted to remove files from the facility.
    >>> Clemons informed Sonya that he was in possession of over 35
    >>> health cases for clients that have been treated by the City’s
    >>> health clinic for various venereal diseases. After Sonya
    >>> confirmed the cases were in fact the City of Newark’s, she
    >>> encouraged Clemons to meet her at Irvington Motor Vehicle
    >>> Commission so that she could “retrieve the files and discard
    >>> them.” Feeling extremely uneasy with the department’s attempt
    >>> to cover-up the violation of HIPAA laws and Sonya’s unkempt
    >>> demeanor, Clemons contacted Mayor Cory Booker’s office.
    >>> Clemons met with Booker’s assistant, Dawn, who retrieved the
    >>> files with a business card identifying city employee Joseph
    >>> Vereen as the Senior Health Investigator. Clemons requested an
    >>> investigation take place to ensure that this does not occur
    >>> again. Booker’s assistant informed Clemons that he was
    >>> incriminating himself by reporting this information and that he
    >>> could not remain anonymous. Later contradicting herself, Dawn
    >>> assured Clemons he would remain anonymous and that an
    >>> investigation would take place. Now concerned with the city’s
    >>> lack of action and the fact that exactly 39 clients’ information
    >>> including diagnosis, assessments, social security number and
    >>> other confidential and identifying information was made public
    >>> by the city employee’s failure to ensure safeguards made
    >>> possible by HIPAA, Clemons comes forward with his story.
    >>> For additional information, please contact Kareem Clemons at
    >>> or 862-849-5952. Additionally, Mr.
    >>> Clemons may be contacted at 973-351-5000.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • HIPAA VIOLATION, 1/27/07, by employee.
  • Re: HIPAA VIOLATION, 1/28/07, by RCW.
  • Re: HIPAA VIOLATION, 1/29/07, by Carol.
  • Re: HIPAA VIOLATION, 2/01/07, by Terry.
  • Re: HIPAA VIOLATION, 2/01/07, by Gerald.
  • Re: HIPAA VIOLATION, 2/06/07, by Kareem J Clemons.
  • Re: A case of HIPAA VIOLATION, but by the client's attorney, 3/24/07, by Ms. Reecey.
  • Re: A case of HIPAA VIOLATION, but by the client's attorney, 3/24/07, by Curmudgeon.
  • Re: HIPAA VIOLATION, 12/30/07, by john white.
  • Re: HIPAA VIOLATION, 1/06/08, by Jenn.
  • Re: HIPAA VIOLATION, 5/08/08, by JR..
  • Re: HIPAA VIOLATION, 6/25/08, by Ron Copper (kareem's lawyer).
  • Re: Up Date Info, 6/25/08, by Kareem J Clemons.
  • Re: A case of HIPAA VIOLATION, but by the client's attorney, 5/26/09, by Rachael Alt.
  • Re: A case of HIPAA VIOLATION, but by the client's attorney, 5/26/09, by Curmudgeon.

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