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    Post: Vacation Days used for absence

    Posted by Joseph on 3/22/07

    There is nothing in my employee's handbook to cover this.

    I work for a small industrial NY state employer - approx 10
    employees. We recieve both personal days and vacation
    days. I have used my personal days up already this year.
    As a result, I scheduled a vacation day one month in
    advance for a dental appointment - it was approved. I had
    to call in because the dental problem gave me more problems
    than expected. I asked if I could use a vacation day -
    they allowed it. A few weeks later, I and my entire family
    were sick and I called in and again let them know I wanted
    to use vacation days. I was paid for vacation days - but a
    warning was written on the outside of the pay envelope that
    future absences will result in termination. Today, my
    immediate supervisor gathered myself and two other emploees
    and warned us verbally that we were missing too much time
    and could be subject to dismissal. Two hours later after
    talking with the owner of the company I and one of the
    other two were again pulled aside and told we WOULD be
    terminated on our next absence. Three warnings in less
    than a week, with the supervisor stating that the owner may
    call and also speak to us - which would be a fourth warning.

    I thought that once they had paid me for an absence as a
    vacation day (which I am entitled to and still have one
    remaining) - that the absence WAS a vacation day and not
    subject to punishment.


    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Vacation Days used for absence, 3/22/07, by Joseph.
  • Re: Vacation Days used for absence, 3/23/07, by Terry.
  • Re: Vacation Days used for absence, 3/23/07, by RCW.

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