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    Post: Copy of Review

    Posted by Anne on 4/08/07

    Worked at company many yrs and always got good reviews. ONe
    of the last bosses I had in company would not give me a copy
    of my review, but had me sign it. I felt she was using this
    as insurance measure because I reported a prior boss for
    harassment - he was yelling out rude things about me several
    times a day, even after I asked him not too. And one of his
    friends spread very awful rumor about me. The new Boss was
    in several conflicts and one in particular was a co-worker
    who complained to HR that this boss forged her signature on
    her recent review and the boss was blocking her from leaving
    the dept by saying the person was doing a poor job, while
    the person was actually doing good work. This co-worker and
    others were very angry at this boss and lashing out at
    anyone in the group that got along with boss. With all this
    conflict and the boss refusing to give me a copy of my
    review, I found another job. I would like to get a copy of
    my review so I called this prior company HR dept, but they
    do not return my calls. Is it a law that a company has to
    make a person's employee records available to them? I'm
    concerned about my future and have reason to believe this
    boss added some negatives to my originally good review and
    marked me as not rehirable (this company is in many large
    corporations and this could cost me job opportunities). I
    think if I tell the company about the forging and my
    concerns that they will most definitely not give me a copy
    and old boss will give me more grief. How do I find out
    what is in that review with least amount of fallout since
    I'm looking for a job. Any suggestions would be greatly
    appreciated. Thank you.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Copy of Review, 4/08/07, by Anne.
  • Re: Copy of Review, 4/14/07, by RCW.
  • Re: Copy of Review, 4/15/07, by Anne.

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