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    Post: A Set Up

    Posted by Battered in PA on 4/27/07

    I work as a shipper for a local manufacturer (the largest
    employer in my County). Recently, my supervisor has been
    writing up employees and suspending without pay for
    incorrect pallett loading and inventory scanning. I am a
    42 yo wht male with 18 years of employment at the
    company. My coworker is a wht male in his late 40's with
    19 years under his belt. Both of us have been singled out
    for over a year. My cooworker recently took a
    reassignment to get away from the boss. We think we are
    being set up. Last week, I was loading a truck. I
    noticed a pallet was scanned under my id# and loaded on
    the wrong truck. I told the personnel director that I
    thought it was a set up. Could her verify that the
    scanning did not come from my gun. He made a million
    excuses and said he would look into the situation. The
    next day my boss told me IT looked into my issue and
    determinied there was no way to tell which gun scanned the
    pallet. Do I have any recourse if these sort of "errors"
    keep occuring and I get fired? A younger workforce
    definiltely costs the company less in wages and benefits.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • A Set Up, 4/27/07, by Battered in PA.
  • Re: A Set Up, 5/08/07, by Darius A. Marzec, Esq..

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