Re: friendly advice
Posted by sharwinston on 6/06/07
ah.... the unhappy step-mother jumps boards. fyi: I'm not a they. I'm a she and I do not give legal "advice." The disclaimer on specifically says "strictly for academic discussions and nothing herein shall constitute legal advice. . ." And, while I certaly do not know every law because no human being can know every law (in part because laws change daily), I certainly know enough to make a good and happy living with my knowledge. On 6/05/07, V wrote: > If you got any advice from sharwinston, please take it > with a grain of salt! This person has given WRONG advice > for at LEAST two of the messages posted. This is a person > who just wants to LOOK like they have knowledge of the > law. Unless their advice was for you to contact an > attorney, don't take anything they say to mean ANYTHING!
Posts on this thread, including this one
- friendly advice, 6/05/07, by V.
- Re: friendly advice, 6/06/07, by sharwinston.
- Re: friendly advice, 6/07/07, by V.
- Re: friendly advice, 6/07/07, by sharwinston.