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    Re: Hippa

    Posted by Terry on 10/09/07

    On 10/08/07, Katrina wrote:
    > I was accused of breaking a hippa law, what can I do to
    > prove that I was wrongfully accused? It was said that: I
    > told patient#1 that (patient#2 was taking a prescription
    > for (blank) and that if she wanted to try (blank) that she
    > should ask her friend patient#2 if she could have some of
    > (blank) to try.) This is not true at no time did I every
    > tell patient#1 that her friend was takeing this rx, her
    > friend actualy told her that she was taking the rx months
    > before. patient#1 and I did have a conversation about this
    > drug and she did ask me if her friend was taking the drug?
    > I droped the conversation and did not confirm her
    > patient#1 did go to patient#2 because she wanted to try
    > (blank). patient#2 told her that she hardly had any left
    > because her sisters had used some. patient#1 then said
    > maybe I should just go this Dr. and ask for some?
    > said she could no longer get them from the dr, why do you
    > think she would give them to you? patient#1 then said; you
    > are right my friend (me) can't even get a rx for them.
    > this conversation patient#2 assummed that I told patient#1
    > that she had filled a rx for this(blank)and went to her Dr
    > and told her this story. The Dr. then accussed me of this
    > and now I have lost my job.
    If the doctor thinks you violated a patient's
    confidentiality, he is free to terminate your employment
    even if he is mistaken.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Hippa, 10/08/07, by Katrina.
  • Re: Hippa, 10/09/07, by Terry.

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