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    Post: Can a employer dny medical coverage 4 protected class of ppl

    Posted by Ariel Williams on 10/09/07

    Firstly I'm a transgendered woman.. male to female.
    Second I work in a city where discrimination on basis of
    gender identity is protected.

    I tried to get my employer to get a new health plan
    provider whom would not deny SRS (Sex Reassignment
    Surgery) for the employees like aetna or kaiser permantle
    for example.. and even carriers like blus cross and UHC
    have covered it upon request from the employers.

    They told me that they "did reasearch and found such
    cobverage is rare" and didn't even bother to inquire if
    our new provider would cover it or not they didnt even
    look into it. Then told me "we will not cover SRS and have
    no intention of ever covering SRS for our employees"

    They then told me that it was not discrimination cause we
    dont let anyone get SRS. I said so you could board up the
    mens room and only have a womens room and use "we don't
    let anyone use a mens room as an excuse" he said well
    obviously no.

    My question is if they could have provided insurance knew
    that not doing such was harming an employee and decided
    they didn't want to even try is thier a case to sue?

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Can a employer dny medical coverage 4 protected class of ppl, 10/09/07, by Ariel Williams.
  • Re: Can a employer dny medical coverage 4 protected class of, 10/09/07, by Jenn.

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