Re: Can a employer dny medical coverage 4 protected class of
Posted by Jenn on 10/09/07
No. This isn't grounds to sue. Employers have very few procedures that they are required to cover, and SRS isn't one of them. They have no obligation to cover a service simply because lack of coverage is harming an employee. They could, for example, refuse to cover a type of chemotherapy even if doing so harms an employee who would benefit from that service. This is not an issue of gender discrimination as the procedure isn't covered for any employees, regardless of gender.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Can a employer dny medical coverage 4 protected class of ppl, 10/09/07, by Ariel Williams.
- Re: Can a employer dny medical coverage 4 protected class of, 10/09/07, by Jenn.