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    Re: Were my rights violated?

    Posted by Makai on 10/27/07

    Don't judge me. You obviously didn't read my post
    thouroughly. First, It is a contract position! I am given
    assignments that I complete on my own time. (from home
    wherever... I choose the office because my home isn;t and
    ideal work set up, others work from home) If I had been doing
    these assignments from home and left for an appt. he would
    have never known or cared. Just because you use the office
    space shouldn;t give him the right to dictate your hours if
    you could have been doing the same thing at home.

    The prior person never checked with him when she left because
    we come and go. My assignments are always complete. I check
    in with him more than anyone else does. (in fact I have more
    work because of it and get more done for him than others. I
    work twice as fast and don't drag out the time and try to bill
    for it) The former contractor are the ones who gave me the
    details of the job as well as 2 of the other attorneys because
    he was working from home when I accepted the position. After
    their probationary period then you would stay at the same rate
    but without having to pay your own taxes which from my
    understanding, was the only thing that changed. I even asked
    at that time, if it meant a schedule would be dictated at that
    point, Doing the work on your own time would still never

    Everyone else works from home. I Was told they tried working
    from the office but they found they liked it better from home.
    He liked people to be there. I always wondered why nobody did
    stay there if that is what he liked. SO I chose to so I could
    demonstrate my value to the firm even though it meant I was
    getting more work and having to sit at the front desk
    sometimes or help other attorneys. From what I was told
    yesterday, this has been an issue before which is why he can't
    keep people. He has been burned and is overly suspicious
    because this type of agreement leaves room for a lot
    of "taking advantage of".

    2nd, he told me to go into his e-mails, he left them up so he
    could have whoever was there, go in if he needed something.
    He happend to leave that one up. This is a red flag to me. I
    worry about someone so capable of plotting without

    3rd, this was only going on for a few days, because I wasn;t
    sitting there all day as I once had. This was not a regular
    thing. He was very happy with me as I was the only one who
    was producing work for him.

    I am not looking to sue, I am just trying to figure out how to
    remedy this situation and get an understanding of how these
    types of agreements work as in prior contract positions, I was
    never told what hours I needed to be completing my
    assignments. As a contractor, you should be able to have the
    right to do it at night, weekends, early mornings, etc. I get
    that he has been burned, but I shouldn;t have to pay the price
    of what other people have done to him.

    I may not last the probationary period, but it will be by my
    choice. I would be the 4th that hasn't in a year. The only
    thing that makes me an idiot is ignoring the red flags and
    thinking I would be treated different or that I could make it
    work when others couldn't. And BTW, trusting others does not
    make you an idiot. Making assumptions about a person before
    you even understand the situation does though. If you don't
    have anything positive or constructive to say and just want to
    sit around on chat boards to burn people with legitamate
    questions, find someone else.

    On 10/27/07, Curmudgeon wrote:
    > Which of your rights do you think were violated? Your right
    > to get paid without working for it? Your right to walk off
    > the job without telling your boss where you were? Your
    > right to avoid work assignments by not being available to
    > receive the assignments? Your right to become a permanent
    > employee without showing that you have any value to the
    > firm? Your right to read you boss's private emails? Your
    > right to be a complete idiot by accepting a job without
    > having any understanding whatsoever of what the job
    > requirements are?
    > If I were you, I wouldn't count on surviving the
    > probationary period.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Were my rights violated?, 10/26/07, by Makai.
  • Re: Were my rights violated?, 10/27/07, by Curmudgeon.
  • Re: Were my rights violated?, 10/27/07, by Makai.
  • Re: Were my rights violated?, 10/28/07, by Ozarks Lawyer.
  • Re: Were my rights violated?, 11/01/07, by Jenn.

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