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    Re: Discrimination?

    Posted by Jenn on 1/10/08

    A more "relaxed" environment? You're asking your employer
    to accomodate needs that you haven't bothered to have
    documented. In order to make any sort of ADA-type claim,
    you would need to be able to demonstrate that your employer
    had reason to know that you have an ADA-covered illness and
    that they weren't willing to accomodate you. Without
    documentation, they can't be expected to trust your word.

    Having a friend who is a nurse tell you that your odor is
    due to diabetes (I'm assuming you're talking about the odor
    caused by excessive ketones...a sort of sweet, fruity smell)
    doesn't serve as proof of your condition.

    And so no, it's not discrimination.

    As a sidenote - if your blood sugar is so out of whack that
    you're releasing excess ketones to the point that you can
    smell it, you need to see a doctor. You could be getting
    close to diabetic ketoacidosis - which can be very serious.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Discrimination?, 1/09/08, by Daniel.
  • Re: Discrimination?, 1/10/08, by Jenn.

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