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    Re: Retirement Plan

    Posted by Curmudgeon on 2/06/08

    Joe--you need to find a new job. You've only been there 3
    years and now you're posting a litany of complaints (4 in
    the past few days) looking for some way to sue your
    employer. Just because you're unhappy in your job does not
    make everything the employer does illegal. If you tried
    working instead of taking days off and trying to cash in on
    some lawsuit, your employer might like you better.

    On 2/05/08, Joe wrote:
    > Is there some minimum standard for employer
    > retirement/pension plans? I work in NY and am 50 years
    > old. My employer has a plan they pay for entirely. If I
    > work until I am 65 years old - a total of 18 years for
    > employer with 17 year in this plan -- the amount I would
    > get monthly at retirement is approx $15.50 per month.
    > is about 1.1&37; of my current monthly take home pay at $9
    > hour.
    > It doesn't seem that they should be able to call this a
    > retirement plan because there is no way that anyone could
    > retire on this amount - which will likely buy a couple
    > loaves of bread and maybe not even that!
    > Obviously, I can't afford to stay there, but it brings up
    > the question of if this really can legally be called a
    > retiremnt or pension plan.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Retirement Plan, 2/05/08, by Joe.
  • Re: Retirement Plan, 2/06/08, by Curmudgeon.

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