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    Re: Whistleblower Protection?

    Posted by Ann on 3/21/08


    Employee A is an emergency room physician who comes into
    contact with Employee B only due to Employee B being a patient
    in the ER. The physician otherwise does not see this employee
    within the hospital system, does not work with him, has never
    met him before. The physician was the treating physician, not
    a random physician who happened to be working at the
    hospital. If someone had come in from a nearby factory, could
    the physician call the person's supervisor at work to report
    that he believes he's under the influence? No. This is no

    In addition, consulting social services to deal with the issue
    further demonstrates that this was a patient treatment issue,
    not a human resources issue. Employees who are suspected of
    being under the influence are never referred to inpatient
    social services. They are dealt with strictly at the
    administrative level.

    The entire encounter was the by-product of the employee's
    visit to and treatment at the ER. The physician knew what
    meds the patient was on because the physician had prescribed
    them. The physician was absolutely acting as a healthcare
    provider - had been assigned to the patient, prescribed meds
    to the patient, examined the patient.

    How could this NOT be a HIPAA issue?

    > None of this has anything to do with HIPAA. Employee A (a
    > doctor at the facility at which you all work) had reasonable
    > suspicion another employee (B) was unfit for duty and wanted
    > it reported to Employee B's supervisor. That's what should
    > happen at ANY place of employment so the situation could be
    > addressed. Unless I've missed something, nobody was acting
    > in their capacity as a health care provider but rather as
    > employees.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Whistleblower Protection?, 3/17/08, by Ann.
  • Re: Whistleblower Protection?, 3/19/08, by v.
  • Re: Whistleblower Protection?, 3/20/08, by Terry.
  • Re: Whistleblower Protection?, 3/21/08, by Ann.
  • Re: US LAW CONSULTANTS criminal civil , 3/27/08, by big dawg.
  • Re: US LAW CONSULTANTS criminal civil , 3/31/08, by Jenn.

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